Public toilet survival guide

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Is it safe to use public toilets? Yes. With foresight, care and some extra hygiene precautions you won’t be taking any health risks.

Guide to hygiene in public toilets

When travelling, it is almost impossible to avoid using public toilets, some of which are better, some of which are worse.
Airports, stations, bars: if nature calls, we can’t help but answer.
The public toilet, as we know, has always been shrouded by an aura of terror, and is seen as a frightening receptacle for bacteria.

But don’t worry: with a few small hygiene precautions, using public toilets will no longer be an epic battle, but with a little more foresight, an action carried out in total safety.
Here’s how!

How to use a public toilet safely

1. Choose the bathroom cubicle carefully

It may seem obvious, but if you have a choice between a variety of bathrooms, it’s best to choose a cubicle that looks the cleanest, at least apparently.

2. Try to limit contact with bathroom surfaces

Avoid your personal items coming into contact with the floor, hooks and shelves in the bathroom and try not to sit directly on the toilet.
Comfortable clothes, trainers and a backpack will make your life easier.
You can also help yourself with tissues: use them to protect yourself from handles and taps.

3. Avoid using the toilet paper available

Although it is provided in dispensers, it may be contaminated with bacteria spread by the toilet. It’s better to use your own tissues: they take up a tiny space in your bag but they always prove to be a great ally! 

4. Wash your hands with soap

Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using the toilet. But be careful: avoid electric dryers. Recent studies from the Journal of Hospital Infection state that every time a blast of air is fired, microbes start fluttering around the bathroom. But with paper tissues you have nothing to fear: they transform from toilet paper into hygienic disposable towels.

5. What if you are traveling with children? 

Using public toilets with children can be more complex, but just as safe if the right precautions are taken.
Let’s not give them a phobia of dirt and bacteria, but let’s reassure them with a few basic hygiene rules: always wash your hands and keep a packet of tissues in your backpack. They’ll be indispensable allies for the great little challenges of everyday life.

come utilizzare i bagni pubblici in sicurezza

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