Paper scraps for shaving cuts

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How should you treat shaving cuts? Here are Foxy’s tips for cuts and scrapes after shaving.

Which team are you on?

It could be said that there are two types of men, those with and those without beards. The former opts for a seemingly wild look and the appeal of the dark handsome man, varying from contemporary Viking style to 1950s hipster. The latter, on the other hand, prefers a good guy air, and is always neat and well groomed. He will impress his parents and will almost always look younger than his years.

If you have chosen to be part of the second category you will know full well how easy it is to leave small souvenirs on your face by using a razor almost every day. It is not a question of being careless: there’s no point denying it, anyone can end up with scratches and small wounds, even if only rarely. How can you tackle the problem?

You have the ideal solution at hand in the bathroom, under your very eyes. It’s a remedy that is as traditional as it is effective: after disinfecting, dab the wound with a sheet of toilet paper, applying light pressure. Leave the lesion covered with a scrap of paper. Foxy toilet paper is hypoallergenic and clinically tested, making it ideal for even the most sensitive skins, so it’s a safe and suitable solution for helping blood clot. 

But be careful: remember to remove the toilet paper scraps before leaving the house!

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